Shout Here!
Posted at Friday, December 02, 2011, Leave Your Sparkle[s] (0)

(kak yaya n slyna) this is my lovely kakak and adeks... my lovely kakak that always take a good care for me.. and my adeks that always make me sengal and cheer up my day~~ <3 (funniest person lah u slyna chai!)

(redza) this is my "kakak" he such a big KAKAK for me.. always feel free in giving support and advice and he always be cool, never get mad with our attitude.. the best lah u kakak!!

(amer tembam) this my brother~~ always "membebel" at me.. aiyooo... but he give the best advice ever~ :)

they are new in my life.. but they are the best dudes ever in my small world..
always bg skongan and bantuan without any rewards~

ha.... yang di bawah ini.. insan yang setia bersama aku sejak dibangku sijil lagi.. heheh

bell2) she's my dear froggy goggy~~ lav her damn much.. she like to wear a celaks on her eyes.. she's quite funny also. heheheh

untuk insan2 ini... ketahuilah bahawa diri ini sering mengingati dirimu.. even tidak call ataupun sms, dirimu tetap dihati.. :)